
Monday, September 22, 2014

The Shroom XC Part 5


by Superchao (Talk)

Superchao: Hello, 'Shroom readers! After yet another temporary gap, I am back with another interview!
Superchao: And our guest today is one Super-Yoshi/TheFreshPrince!
Super-Yoshi: Hi im tfp and this is an interview.
Super-Yoshi: Dude idk if I can do this
Superchao: Well, we'll just have to try, won't we?
Super-Yoshi: Good joke
Superchao: Thanks man
Super-Yoshi: Np
Superchao: Anyhow, to get started with the actual questions. How'd you find the wiki?
Super-Yoshi: You know how back in the good ol days youd search up the internet for like faqs n shit like that
Super-Yoshi: And people be printin like pages of cheats
Superchao: Yup, I did that all the time.
Superchao: Lemme guess, that got you to here?
Super-Yoshi: Haha yea, so I was searching up some stuff for Yoshi: Touch & Go, found an article on Mariowiki, it barely had shit in it, but I kept a bookmark cause I thought this would be a site where it was like IGN or Gamespot
Super-Yoshi: So I didn't really care for it later, but I think after a while I was searching up some Super Mario Galaxy things, I couldn't really find stuff for it so I was going through my big ass list of gaming help sites cause I couldnt find those damn Green Stars
Super-Yoshi: And thats how it happened
Super-Yoshi: I think I found something wrong and I fixed it and a whole notha world opened up
Super-Yoshi: And here I am now
Superchao: That sounds... shockingly similiar to how most of the people here find the wiki.
Super-Yoshi: Butterscotch surprise
Superchao: god dammit frank
Superchao: Anyhow, anyone you made friends with early on?
Superchao: I know you and Jorge were pals for a while
Super-Yoshi: Yea we still are, I remember the wars going on between Unmario and whatnot haha
Super-Yoshi: 25% belonged to him, 75% to you
Super-Yoshi: Some shit like that
Super-Yoshi: Good times
Superchao: Oh god I remember that too
Superchao: And now I haven't checked UnMario in months
Super-Yoshi: Loool
Super-Yoshi: But yea, I came on irc a few days after I signed up
Superchao: I think the place is still slightly alive under new management
Super-Yoshi: I think Jorge was the one who got me in irc
Super-Yoshi: Oh really
Super-Yoshi: Last I heard shit was dead man
Superchao: Yeah, but I just leave it alone
Super-Yoshi: Yea who needs Unmario when you got the bros right here 8)
Superchao: bros for life
Super-Yoshi: u know it
Superchao: You and Jorge made comics together all the time, right?
Superchao: What got you interested in that?
Super-Yoshi: It was a fad back then
Super-Yoshi: Everyone would start comics and then cancel them like 3 issues in
Super-Yoshi: So I joined the bandwagon
Super-Yoshi: I made a comic myself, I still have it
Superchao: I think like
Superchao: 2% of comics ever finished
Superchao: probably because most of the comics didn't have a set outline lol
Super-Yoshi: yeep lol
Super-Yoshi: I could upload the comic again if you wanted to see it
Super-Yoshi: It's really shitty lol
Superchao: It probably is, no offense
Super-Yoshi: I cancelled it like 2 days after I started it cause I was like man
Super-Yoshi: This shit is too much work
Super-Yoshi: Pff Im not offended lol
Superchao: I think that covered why 90% of the comics died
Super-Yoshi: Everyone made a shit comic
Super-Yoshi: Yea haha
Superchao: The other 9% were people who didn't have time
Super-Yoshi: 1337 ;_;
Superchao: Man that guy's been gone for years
Superchao: it's always the ones who don't say they'll be leaving tht you gotta watch out for
Super-Yoshi: *obligitory fatass comment here*
Super-Yoshi: Yea man
Super-Yoshi: Rip
Super-Yoshi: He was a good friend too back in the day
Super-Yoshi: Surprisingly me and Wayoshi got along too
Super-Yoshi: I don't know what happened
Super-Yoshi: I think I made friends with everyone
Superchao: Alas, I don't think I had much - Wayoshi
Superchao: didn't he hate you
Super-Yoshi: Oh I remember me and you hated each other back then or something lol
Super-Yoshi: Cause of the Jorge stuff
Super-Yoshi: I just sided with Jorge
Super-Yoshi: He didn't hate me
Superchao: Yeah that was dumb
Super-Yoshi: We actually got along
Super-Yoshi: We played Mario Kart and Brawl
Superchao: Brawl ;_;7
Super-Yoshi: We even netplayed snes and stuff like that
Super-Yoshi: ;_;7
Superchao: Man, maybe I should get a Wii U for netplay. Eventually.
Superchao: Not much good without Smash yet though :V
Super-Yoshi: Dude
Super-Yoshi: Oh shit man I was gonna be like
Super-Yoshi: That has netplay emulators?
Super-Yoshi: Yea Smash is def gonna be killen the game
Superchao: Not that I know of, sadly
Superchao: Gonna miss one of my mains though
Superchao: Snake why
Super-Yoshi: and ics, wolf, lucas ;_;7
Super-Yoshi: Bich made sakurai
Superchao: he remains immortal through gamer despair
Super-Yoshi: yes
Super-Yoshi: b-but
Super-Yoshi: #ibelieve
Super-Yoshi: #sugipro
Superchao: #accelerate
Super-Yoshi: #evade4ever
Superchao: Oh, back to wiki history
Super-Yoshi: Right lol
Superchao: You are retired Wiki staff. When were you wiki staff at all, again?
Super-Yoshi: Omg you dont even remember ;_;
Super-Yoshi: Lol dw I dont either
Super-Yoshi: It was like
Super-Yoshi: a year after I joined? I became good pals with my boy Stooben
Superchao: who isn't good pals with their boy stooben
Superchao: losers
Superchao: that's who
Super-Yoshi: ikr
Superchao: So... how did that make you staff? Was it just "this guy is a chill bro let's promote him"?
Super-Yoshi: right
Super-Yoshi: Im not gonna lie, pretty much lol
Super-Yoshi: If you ever get to see the sysop promotion thread, read how I got promoted
Super-Yoshi: But yea pretty much that in a nutshell lol
Superchao: Man, I shoulda stuck around on the wiki longer. Apparently it woulda been easy
Super-Yoshi: Hahah
Superchao: >implying I will ever be wiki staff
Super-Yoshi: I did do some hard work tho
Super-Yoshi: I took a buncha pictures for games, created featured lists, made a buncha shit
Super-Yoshi: I dunno
Super-Yoshi: I worked with RAP alot too
Superchao: More than I ever did!
Super-Yoshi: Hahahah
Superchao: ...How well did that work out?
Super-Yoshi: He was a chill guy back then
Super-Yoshi: Well...
Super-Yoshi: You know
Super-Yoshi: He did teach me things like compressing pngs and stuff
Super-Yoshi: And I think hes the one that got me promoted to chat op lol
Superchao: You were chat op?
Super-Yoshi: Yep
Super-Yoshi: Wayyy back in the day
Super-Yoshi: I got demoted for being Jorges friend
Super-Yoshi: lol
Superchao: that sounds like
Superchao: the worst demotion reason lol
Super-Yoshi: That was porple's reason atleast
Super-Yoshi: Hahah
Super-Yoshi: Yea
Superchao: oh wait it was porple's reason shit
Super-Yoshi: Too late now I bet hes reading this
Super-Yoshi: Getting the ips ready
Superchao: you've doomed me, tfp
Superchao: HOW COULD YOU
Super-Yoshi: Im probably gonna be gone too
Super-Yoshi: IM SORRY MAN
Superchao: And then the 'Shroom died, the end
Superchao: But until we actually end up dead for blasphemy, wanna continue?
Super-Yoshi: Okey
Superchao: And that brings you to... well... today!
Super-Yoshi: Yep lol
Superchao: Anything you wanna tell the readers about relevant to now?
Super-Yoshi: What do you mean
Superchao: Well, what's your current life on the wiki like? Friends, things you like to do, that kind of thing.
Super-Yoshi: I retired from all that wiki work and I pretty much just go on irc or the forums now
Super-Yoshi: I don't think I have any enemies
Super-Yoshi: I hope I don't
Super-Yoshi: Everyones a good friend I'd say
Superchao: well we could tell from retired wiki staff lol
Super-Yoshi: lol
Super-Yoshi: good point
Super-Yoshi: I dont think my wiki page is updated though
Super-Yoshi: I should check that one of these days
Superchao: My wiki page is updatedly approximately once per year
Superchao: You're not alone, bro
Super-Yoshi: Lol thats better than me
Super-Yoshi: Its been like 5 years since I last updated mien
Super-Yoshi: maybe less
Super-Yoshi: ie nate
Super-Yoshi: or xp
Superchao: good thing they don't read the interviews i don't think lol
Super-Yoshi: lol
Super-Yoshi: its w/e
Superchao: So let's ask about not wiki stuff for a change
Superchao: Liiiike
Superchao: Video gameeees!
Super-Yoshi: Aw yis
Superchao: So: Since this is the MarioWiki, I am semi-obligated to ask.
Superchao: What are your favorite Murphy games?
Super-Yoshi: Who dat
Super-Yoshi: Like Super Murphy
Superchao: Don't you remember TTYD bro
Superchao: And that guy in Petalburg
Super-Yoshi: Oh yea
Super-Yoshi: Koopa Koot
Super-Yoshi: Thats my boy
Superchao: I think that was PM1? I forget which old Koopa was which lol
Super-Yoshi: Shet
Super-Yoshi: Umm
Superchao: TO THE WIKI!
Superchao: Okay, old guy from PM2 was Kroop
Super-Yoshi: Thats my boy too
Super-Yoshi: He had those leaves in his backyard man
Super-Yoshi: Koopa tea leaves or w/e
Superchao: Are all old Koopas your boy
Super-Yoshi: Yea
Super-Yoshi: Bowser's my boy too
Super-Yoshi: He always got the hook ups in mario party
Superchao: Even if it's always better to see your opponents land on his spaces
Super-Yoshi: Of course
Super-Yoshi: Id whip out the bowser phone every time
Super-Yoshi: Call up my home boy
Super-Yoshi: "Yo homes to hell-air"
Super-Yoshi: That was a thing
Superchao: Man I never got the Bowser Mushroom in Party 4
Superchao: Too bad I missed Party 3 :<
Super-Yoshi: rip :<
Super-Yoshi: Oh yea the question lol
Super-Yoshi: I think my all time favourite is Super Mario World
Super-Yoshi: I love the Paper Marios
Super-Yoshi: Well except sticker shit
Superchao: Bro we KNOW how much you love the Paper Marios
Super-Yoshi: I dunno what everyone else loves I probably love as well
Superchao: You wrote four sections about that lol
Super-Yoshi: Lol
Super-Yoshi: Good times
Super-Yoshi: M&L series soon
Superchao: four more years
Super-Yoshi: You know it
Superchao: I look forward to them in the next few special issues!
Superchao: At the very least we gotta have freshness in Issue C
Superchao: it just won't be the big one without fresh
Super-Yoshi: Thanks :>
Super-Yoshi: I got ya covered
Superchao: Anyhow we know about Sticker Star
Superchao: Any other Mario games you hate
Super-Yoshi: I don't think so
Super-Yoshi: Just the classic ones
Superchao: damn bro
Superchao: oh, whatcha got against SMB?
Super-Yoshi: that everyone hates I mean
Super-Yoshi: ie: mario teaches typing
Super-Yoshi: Do you like that game
Super-Yoshi: SMB is the shit
Super-Yoshi: Dude
Super-Yoshi: You cant hate SMB
Superchao: oh ok lol
Super-Yoshi: lol cmon man i wouldnt even be here if i hated the classic mario games
Superchao: well we've got people who don't like modern mario
Superchao: and they're here
Super-Yoshi: ban them
Super-Yoshi: oh nvm
Super-Yoshi: lol
Super-Yoshi: nsmb2 was kinda stale
Super-Yoshi: thats the only complaint i think i have
Super-Yoshi: everythign else is good
Superchao: yeah nsmb seems a lil played out
Super-Yoshi: I played that one new modded nsmb
Super-Yoshi: for wii
Super-Yoshi: Newer SMB
Superchao: How was it?
Super-Yoshi: It's pretty great
Superchao: Glad to hear it
Super-Yoshi: You should try it if you haven't already
Super-Yoshi: They even got the hammer suit from SMB3
Superchao: I got no NSMB lol
Super-Yoshi: Now how ballin is that
Superchao: NSMBW that is
Super-Yoshi: Welp
Superchao: Anyhow, we might as well chat about nonMario vidyas
Super-Yoshi: Sure
Superchao: What's your favorite of thoses? Besides OJ
Super-Yoshi: As you probably personally know I really like playing 100% OJ
Super-Yoshi: Pff
Super-Yoshi: Perch pls
Super-Yoshi: I really like the touhou series as well even though im shit at them
Super-Yoshi: The fighting games are realy fun
Super-Yoshi: I did start Dota 2 this year as well but im slowly getting bored of it
Superchao: What makes you like 100% OJ
Superchao: I must ask for the future of the MarioWiki race
Super-Yoshi: Suguri
Super-Yoshi: Shes the best
Super-Yoshi: If you ever play 100% OJ
Super-Yoshi: Support Sugism
Super-Yoshi: And never play Fernet
Superchao: This interview is over.
Superchao: Get out.
Super-Yoshi: Thanks for the interview
Super-Yoshi: Please worship Sugism
Super-Yoshi: And burn all Fernet prophecies
Super-Yoshi: :v
Superchao: Aw, shit, I just realized I don't have my space quota full
Superchao: Okay, we'll continue, but to the readers at home
Superchao: Make sure you remember all he says is lies and bullshit when it comes to OJ characters
Super-Yoshi: Pls go
Superchao does not go
Super-Yoshi: Im taking away your priveleges as a director
Super-Yoshi pushes Perch out the door
Super-Yoshi: Im going to interview myself now
Superchao knocks TFP out, ties him to a chair
Superchao: None will ever claim my spot
Super-Yoshi: pls no im crying
Superchao: too bad :I
Superchao: So. What makes you like Touhou?
Superchao: I mean I could go on about why I like Touhou but this isn't interviewing me :V
Super-Yoshi: If im ever a shroom director ill be sure to interview you and ask you that lol
Super-Yoshi: What makes me like touhou is probably the vast array of characters
Super-Yoshi: I mean I dont even know them all lol
Superchao: I don't know if anyone does
Super-Yoshi: They all have their quirky traits
Superchao: I don't think even ZUN does
Super-Yoshi: He just keeps puttin them out
Super-Yoshi: My favourites are probably Marisa & Tenshi
Super-Yoshi: I dont know theres too many
Super-Yoshi: I cant pick favourites
Super-Yoshi: I love them all
Super-Yoshi: Yuyuko
Super-Yoshi: There was a touhou fad back then
Superchao: Not much of one, sadly
Superchao: More people here need to Touhou
Super-Yoshi: Yes
Super-Yoshi: If youre reading this interview go play touhou
Super-Yoshi: and orange juice
Superchao: make sure you play fernet tho
Super-Yoshi: make sure you make her lose too and play sugi after
Superchao: make sure you always have sugi defend
Super-Yoshi: *gasp*
Super-Yoshi: excuse me sir
Super-Yoshi: EXCUSE ME
Superchao: I don't think I have gone too far. But enough of that. Any video games, non-Mario, that you can think of that you dislike?
Super-Yoshi: I guess im not really into horror games?
Super-Yoshi: Things such as devil may cry, resident evil, silent hill, etc.
Superchao: That's pretty understandable, those really depend on your preference
Superchao: Like more than others
Super-Yoshi: Yea
Thats about it, I play pretty much everything else
Super-Yoshi: From puzzle to rpg
Super-Yoshi: whatever
Superchao: What about puzzle rpg? :V
Super-Yoshi: Do those exist lol
Superchao: Probably somewhere!
Super-Yoshi: Well
Super-Yoshi: I just found one kinda
Super-Yoshi: 99 Spirits
Super-Yoshi: (a game i own too!)
Super-Yoshi: I forgot about that game lol
Superchao: Good job :V
Super-Yoshi: V:
Superchao: so uh
Superchao: Besides video games, and internet
Superchao: What else d'ya like to do?
Super-Yoshi: I like to sell drugs
Super-Yoshi: soon
Superchao: the fresh weed
Super-Yoshi: yes
Super-Yoshi: ill hook you up
Superchao: he's got the freshest in town bro
Super-Yoshi: name a whole city after fresh
Super-Yoshi: Really though, theres not much else lol
Super-Yoshi: I do occasionally go out and stuff but this whole pharmacy bulshet has limited my free time in places
Superchao: Pharmacy bullshit? Elaborate, for those who do not know you
Super-Yoshi: Like you know, if im at home, I can study/do hw whenever I want and play games too
Super-Yoshi: But if im outside, I dont have textbooks n stuff
Super-Yoshi: Yea im studying at university to become a pharmacist
Super-Yoshi: But god its awful I hate it
Super-Yoshi: The studying part
Super-Yoshi: The job is actually really chill
Super-Yoshi: All you do is count pills and sit on a chair and do shit
Super-Yoshi: Youll probably see me here at like 24 or something and ill still be on irc and counting pills lol
Superchao: PILLS HERE
Superchao: but man i feel you
Super-Yoshi: l4d3 soon
Superchao: I'm aiming for an accountant so I'll be counting beans while you count pills
Superchao: but first I gotta get through a pile of classes
Super-Yoshi: I hate college :<
Superchao: It's not as bad as high school in some ways at least
Superchao: Lot more time outside of classes
Super-Yoshi: Thats true
Super-Yoshi: I feel you guys who gotta wake up at like 7
Super-Yoshi: go to school, come home at 4
Super-Yoshi: Thats fucken bullshit
Superchao: At least it's not 5:30
Superchao: when you wake up that is
Super-Yoshi: Oh man do you have to do that lol
Super-Yoshi: Thats rough
Superchao: I had to back in high school
Super-Yoshi: Omg
Super-Yoshi: Tell me the story
Superchao: Long commute plus morning prep
Super-Yoshi: Oic
Superchao: These days the earliest I ever have to get up is like 7:30
Superchao: Which is still early but much more reasonable
Super-Yoshi: Hey thats not bad
Superchao: ...Wait, we should be talking about you!
Super-Yoshi: Yea
Super-Yoshi: Right
Super-Yoshi: I get up around 8
Superchao: That's pretty good
Super-Yoshi: Sometimes I dont go to classes cause theyre recorded online lol
Super-Yoshi: Im mr. lazy
Super-Yoshi: Im more of a night person
Superchao: I'm curious, actually
Superchao: What made you decide pharmacy was the career for you?
Super-Yoshi: My moms actually one lol
Super-Yoshi: I went with her to work on this job day thing we have in high school one time
Super-Yoshi: Literally fucken the easiest thing
Super-Yoshi: You could hire someone off the street and theyd probably know howe 2
Super-Yoshi: I fucked it the time I went though man
Superchao: Well that's one way to decide! :V
Super-Yoshi: Yea
Super-Yoshi: but yo man get a load of this
Superchao: You're actually Eggman!?
Super-Yoshi: I was playing with the pill machine and I put in some mixed pills in it
Super-Yoshi: I dont know man it looked like fun to use it
Super-Yoshi: This was like 2008 lol
Super-Yoshi: I dont know who got that prescription
Super-Yoshi: Cause i forgot to tell my mom about waht i did
Superchao: Oh lawdy
Superchao: Don't tell me you killed a guy
Super-Yoshi: never forgot ;_;7
Super-Yoshi: I hope not
Super-Yoshi: and yes im eggman
Superchao: oh god
Superchao hits TFP eight times
Super-Yoshi: dies
Superchao: rip
Super-Yoshi: rip
Superchao: well
Superchao: I think that I will now ask the question
Superchao: The one question that's always present, that everyone is always asked
Superchao: Can YOU see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch
Super-Yoshi: The trix rabbit rigged that shit man
Super-Yoshi: Do you know why he cant have his own cereal
Super-Yoshi: He moved on
Super-Yoshi: He went to cinnamon toast and helped them get their shit together
Superchao: That explains so much
Super-Yoshi: but when he came back these fucken punk ass kids thought it was cool shit to steal my home boy trix rabbit's own cereal from him
Superchao: See this is what happens when you deny your mascot cereal
Superchao: Look at Lucky
Super-Yoshi: There was a fresh prince episode on that man
Superchao: He already had it
Superchao: He never left
Super-Yoshi: Yea man he got high off those charms
Super-Yoshi: He aint comin back
Super-Yoshi: Check this shit lol
Superchao: The way that Uncle Phil and Will just look at each other makes it lol
Superchao: Anyhow, time for the other question I need to ask
Superchao: How did you get so fresh
Super-Yoshi: Yea lol that was a good episode
Super-Yoshi: How did I get so fresh? Shit man, I dunno lol
Super-Yoshi: I got bored of Super-Yoshi
Super-Yoshi: It was a throwaway name?
Super-Yoshi: I duno I just came up with it on the spot lol
Superchao: hahaha i know whatcha mean
Super-Yoshi: Yep
Super-Yoshi: So I just said to myself "man, i need a new name"
Super-Yoshi: And thus tfp was born
Super-Yoshi: and still is born
Superchao: the freshest choice ever
Super-Yoshi: yep yep
Superchao: And now, for the other other question
Super-Yoshi: youve gone through a cycle of names too eh
Superchao: True, but mine went back to the start
Superchao: Superchao to TGBB to Superchao
Superchao: Is this the last question?
Super-Yoshi: I dunno
Super-Yoshi: Is it
Super-Yoshi: Yea
Super-Yoshi: Thats a bunch
Superchao: Yup, looks like it is!
Superchao: Thanks for being here.
Super-Yoshi: aw
Super-Yoshi: You too

Mario Kart: Wheel Tips Corner

by Ninelevendo (Talk)
Welcome to another issue of The 'Shroom, Mario Kart: Wheel Tips Corner, the article that you must read and vote as your favourite if you want to improve your Mario Kart skills. I'll be taking a bit more of a retro approach now that Mario Kart 8 is out and nobody cares about it anymore. Except that Link is in, and so is Villager and Isabelle, now everybody cares about the game. I'll review a bit more Double Dash!! this time around, so grab a partner and hit the track!
DK Jumbo
Mkdd dk jumbo.jpg
Speed Gold star.pngGold star.pngGold star.pngGold star.png
Acceleration Gold star.pngGold star.png
Weight Gold star.pngGold star.pngGold star.pngGold star.png
Kart Driver Donkey Kong
  1. Great Speed
  2. Excellent Weight
  1. Slow Off-Road Speed
  2. Horrendous Acceleration
The DK Jumbo is a default heavyweight kart in Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, and is Donkey Kong's kart. It's made of wood (how do the wooden wheels not burn?), meaning that it wouldn't last a lap around Bowser's Castle and that it is heavy. Wood is heavier than metal now. Deal with it. It is a rather fast kart, speeding at speeds that the game says it shouldn't, rivalling the speed of the Koopa King a kart with supposed unmatchable speed. Although, it's acceleration is one of the weakest in the game, meaning that you may want to stick to the Koopa King, seeing as it has better weight. But fear not, DK lovers! The DK Jumbo actually has better off-road than the Koopa King, so if you're up to exchanging a little weight to improve a stat that the kart isnt as great at, go ahead!

Speed: +0.25
Acceleration: -0.25
Handling: +1.25
Off-Road: -1.25
  1. Nice Speed Boost
  2. Great Handling
  1. Slight lose of Acceleration
  2. Lightweight
  3. Terrible Off-Road
The Mushroom wheels are some rather tasty-looking wheels that appear in Mario Kart 7. They're as hard as they come, making them seem more like hard-boiled mushrooms from a failed cooking experiment. They seem to of been forgotten in Mario Kart 8, but the Slim set of wheels have similar statistics. They offer a little bit of a speed boost, but due to the decrease in acceleration, they seem to be less useful when compared to the Slick tires. However, the Mushroom tires offer a much better grip, allowing you to turn through corners easily. They have some pretty poor off-roading capabilities, which, while bad, is only half as much as what the Slick or Gold tires steal. All this results in a set of tires that are a great choice for speeders who want to safely be able to turn tight corners and not worry about landing off-road.
GCN Dry Dry Desert Prima Guide Map.jpg
  • Tip 1: Be careful when driving over the quick sand. If you're not fast enough, it can suck you backwards.
  • Tip 2: Mushrooms are best used on the last corner, as it skips a rather long turn and goes over some rough sand.
  • Tip 3: Hitting Pokeys will make then disappear for a while once hit, so hitting them with an item may be worth it if you're about to run into them.
Dry Dry Desert is a course from Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (and Mario Kart 8. That game can't help sneaking onto everything I write here.) that, as the name suggests, takes place in a dessert. Make sure that after you drive over the chocolate volcano... Wait a minute. Obviously this course has sand in it, and driving over certain patches will slow your kart down, especially if it has bad off-road. (DK Jumbo not advised.) There are two different patches of sand, one of which hardly takes off much speed at all, meaning it that driving over it to cut corners isn't a bad idea when performed correctly. The other, however, should be avoided unless a mushroom is used. Even the best off-roaders will have trouble with this dark area. Going into the even darker sand results in Lakitu taking you back on track, so avoid that completely.


What do you mean you think I look better in pink?
So, a character from Double Dash!! that has since appeared in many games since, it's Toadette! Making her first appearance in a Mario Kart game, Toadette has become a fan favourite and has made multiple spin-off appearances. She set the standard look for all female high-pitched mushroom people and has had some design changes herself! mainly the dress changing from a red to, well, a lighter red known as pink for some reason. While not being the strongest character when it came to weight, Toadette was an unlockable, a presented us with a new item, a Golden Mushroom. She also had an unlockable kart that likely inspired the design of the standard karts in Mario Kart DS and later games. Overall, Toadette is truly a wonderful and creative addition to the Mario Kart and Mario series in all.
I've run out of fuel, so it's time I stopped at a petrol station for a month while you all read this. Enjoy this issue, and remember to grab a friend for the best possible Double Dash!! experience. See you next month, with new and less more exciting stuff!

Retro Feature

by Yoshi876 (Talk)
Paper Yoshi
First article:Upcoming Games, Issue XLVI
Last article:Director’s Notes, Issue XC
Sections Written:Main/Staff: 20
Fake News: 13
Fun Stuff: 11
Palette Swap: 20
Pipe Plaza: 102
Positions held:Pipe Plaza Director
Hello, readers! I'm your co-Spotlight manager and co-Pipe Plaza Director, Yoshi876. Welcome to Retro Feature, a section in which I delve deep into the archives to bring you the best blasts from the past. This time I bring you a section from my outgoing Pipe Plaza director, Paper Yoshi (Talk), in fact it’s his first ever section!
Paper Yoshi joined the MarioWiki on 24th April 2008. Paper Yoshi made his ‘Shroom debut during Issue LXVI in Pipe Plaza. His first section was Upcoming Games, a section that had been absent from the paper for seven issues. He would go on to write this a further twenty six times, he even continued writing it after it was moved to the Main Team. Later on he would go on to become the Director for Pipe Plaza in Issue LX, a position he’d hold until this issue when he resigned. In other ‘Shroom ventures, Paper Yoshi wrote the Monthly Report in Pipe Plaza, as well as Featured and Mario Calendar (which like the Upcoming Games was later moved to the Main Team); he submitted a From The Mushroom Vaults section for the main team as well as other Core Staff sections; he submitted the Crossword for Fun Stuff and one non-Mario crossword; he also wrote Featured Character Artwork, Random Image of the Month and submitted a Sketch Related to Mario for Palette Swap and he wrote Ask Paper Yoshi for the Fake News, a section where users got to ask him various questions on various subjects.
However, you’re not here to learn about the history of Paper Yoshi, you’re here to a view a classic section from issues gone by, so without further ado here is Paper Yoshi’s first ever section, the Upcoming Games from Issue XLVI.

Upcoming Games

Upcoming Games (Paper Yoshi (Talk))

Hello 'Shroom readers! After being absent from the previous seven issues, the Upcoming Games section is back! In this issue, we'll take a general look at the next Mario game, Mario Sports Mix.
Mario Sports Mix, as the name says, is a sports spin-off game. It features four sports: basketball, volleyball, hockey and dodgeball. The game is heavily influenced by Mario Hoops 3-on-3, as both were developed by Square Enix.

North American Boxart
Mario Sports Mix has 19 playable characters. These include the Final Fantasy characters from Mario Hoops 3-on-3 and Slime, from the Dragon Quest series. Players can also choose their customized Miis. Both hockey and dodgeball have supporting characters. Shy Guys appear as the goalies on hockey, while colored Yoshis (red or blue, depending on the team) stay at the back of the court in dodgeball. All of the sports feature common gameplay from the Mario spin-offs: items can be obtained by touching ? Panels, and each character has his/her unique special ability, which can prove very useful during the matches.
Release dates for Mario Sports Mix:
  • Japan: Released on November 25th
  • Europe: January 28th
  • United Kingdom: February 4th
  • North America: February 7th
  • Australia: confirmed for 2011
And that's all for now, folks! We'll dig deeper into each sport in the next issue. See you then!
Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you next month for another trip back in time.

Beyond 120 Stars

by Megadardery (Talk)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Beyond 120 Stars! Megadardery is here with mind-blowing challenges and more for his favorite game.
SM64 Logo ingame.png
Ever thought that Super Mario 64 was too easy, or something? Ever thought that you don't want to play the same missions over, and over? Ever thought that you were too good for this game, but still don't know what else can you do? In this -overly useless- article, you will find -overly useless- challenges that you may enjoy, if you are a hard-core lover of SM64. You may also find some shortcuts that can be useful in speed-runs, or whatever. If you think you are an advanced player, try one of the challenges that is labeled as Very Hard! that this lousy introduction is thrown with Bowser far far away, let's get to the castle along with what you expect to see. :)
Without further ado, let's-a-go.
Usual Useful Tip : There is a second camera mode, Mario Cam to be exact.. I know what you are thinking, it's terrible, it is just so freaking close! just press Camera down Button. The camera will zoom backwards, greatly for larger view, and also this camera usually doesn't change direction while jumping, so it's pretty much the perfect cam to perform precious precise jumps. However, if you are doing wall jumps, you better stick with Lakitu Cam.

Sleepy Mario.
Easy : Alright, you know the drill, like the last month, you need to stand on something. Just stand on the big gate in Bob-omb Battlefield. Yes, on the gate. Such a beautiful view, isn't it? Mario likes it and he is starting to catch some shut-eyes.

Hanging Mario.
Medium : I got this one my 3rd try, so I consider it a little hard for low skilled-people, prove you are not, and perform it. Copy what Mario is doing in the screenshot to the left, "Easy, Mario is just holding the edge of something, how hard can that be? Unless if that edge is the edge of Cool, Cool Mountain's slide secret shortcut exit! Yup, you will need to hold the edge of it, not enter it (because you will slide back and fall), hold.. the.. edge. Since this trick could be very hard, there is a box table full of tips (Sorry, no money there.) right under these challenges, if you give up finding your perfect route, check this table to know how to do it.

Daredevil Mario.
Hard : Shell Shreddin' to the extreme: In Snowman's Land, there is a nice looking shell in a box over the freezing pound, The goal as you may have probably guessed is to scale up the Snowman riding the shell! This is usually very hard, however, there is a useful trick that could help you and make this a lot easier. While the trick may be obvious, I have slapped it in the table below.

Mario will fall, certainly.
Very Hard: This time, the trick is impossible! Do you like Wall Jumps? no? too bad, because this challenge is all about them.. In Wet-Dry World, while the water level is at minimum, can you wall jump up to the area the cannon is found? Not only the camera gets tedious sometimes, but near the end, there is an invisible wall which is almost impossible to wall jump off. Without good set-up, you will probably won't be able to get a good height. With my set-up, I get to wall jump 10 times before I reach the top, how about you?
Alright, now go turn on your N64 (or Virtual Console, you get my point..), and go try those challenges. Try hard, don't give up easily..


Easy B120S-5-Sep2014.png I don't think I need to say anything, you can get there by several ways, the easiest one being: adjust the camera using Mario Cam so you can Wall jump the gate easily, now just walk carefully to the area you want. Note that the lighter area in the gate is intangible; you'll fall right through it.
Medium B120S-6-Sep2014.png Ok, above the normal slide exit there is a thin platform, you can stand on it, but moving is almost impossible. So you need to stand before it, Triple jump so your double jump ends right on it, The triple jump should end you near a wall, which you can wall-jump off to grab the exit of the secret slide. I probably didn't made any sense XD, so just try it yourself!
Hard B120S-7-Sep2014.png You probably know that if you jump repeatedly while moving the control stick slightly backwards, you will slow down while riding the shell, right? So anyway, get the shell, climb the snowy slope to the igloo, jump off to the area below, carefully move on the thin wooden platform and jump near the tree (if you hit a wall, or jump into the tree, you'll lose the shell). Now just move across the iced platform, don't worry about the snowman, continue to the second wooden platform, jump up, and that's the highest point you can possibly reach.
Very Hard B120S-8-Sep2014.png I don't think I can help you a lot, just adjust the camera as much as you can, then while standing on the corner of yellow big cork box, slide-somersault and wall-kick then wall-kick and so until you reach the top.
Easy B120S-5-Sep2014.png I don't think I need to say anything, you can get there by several ways, the easiest one being: adjust the camera using Mario Cam so you can Wall jump the gate easily, now just walk carefully to the area you want. Note that the lighter area in the gate is intangible; you'll fall right through it.
Medium B120S-6-Sep2014.png Ok, above the normal slide exit there is a thin platform, you can stand on it, but moving is almost impossible. So you need to stand before it, Triple jump so your double jump ends right on it, The triple jump should end you near a wall, which you can wall-jump off to grab the exit of the secret slide. I probably didn't made any sense XD, so just try it yourself!
Hard B120S-7-Sep2014.png You probably know that if you jump repeatedly while moving the control stick slightly backwards, you will slow down while riding the shell, right? So anyway, get the shell, climb the snowy slope to the igloo, jump off to the area below, carefully move on the thin wooden platform and jump near the tree (if you hit a wall, or jump into the tree, you'll lose the shell). Now just move across the iced platform, don't worry about the snowman, continue to the second wooden platform, jump up, and that's the highest point you can possibly reach.
Very Hard B120S-8-Sep2014.png I don't think I can help you a lot, just adjust the camera as much as you can, then while standing on the corner of yellow big cork box, slide-somersault and wall-kick then wall-kick and so until you reach the top.
Featured Shortcut
In this section, I will introduce you to a shortcut, difficulty can range.. however it can help you if you are a speed-runner. Also, note that I'm not using Backward Long Jumping, or any major sequence breaking glitches.

Start from this point.

The shortcut of this month is one-shot, so if you're training, get yourself 100 lives from Yoshi before you start, In Rainbow Road, no body likes magic carpet rides (or whatever that thing's name), so this will help you skip a necessary one. From the starting platform, turn the camera once to the left (press Camera right Button) then align yourself with the corner of the left rotating platform by walking slightly to the left. Now Triple jump, so your double jump is on the corner of the starting platform, now all what you have to do is wall-jump off the left rotating platform, and you should fall on the right one, Trust me, it's not as hard as it sounds. :D

That's all for this issue's Beyond 120 Stars folks, see you next time!

Awards Committee Commentaries

Hypnotoad (Talk)

This year felt really different because the meetings went by very smoothly. There was nothing problematic or eventful and we just breezed right through everything! With having more awards and what seems to be more people who signed up for presentations that flaked out, one of the only thing I can suggest for improvement would be for the actual presenter process. Even with those small bumps, the quality of the presentations this year was fantastic.
As for suggestions, I’ve already posted some ideas in the specified topic for it, but my goals are to have the entire presentation creation process made more secure in having confirmed presenters and allowing backup presenters to have more than a week notice of what they need to cover. Solid ideas for this are to be discussed but my general idea would be to have checkups on presentations a few times throughout the summer instead of just the soft deadline a week before the ceremony. This would be just to see if people are even working on it or are still even in the community, and that if someone completely doesn’t respond they can be replaced much sooner.
I look forward to working again as the Userpedia Host next year, and who knows, perhaps more!!

Lakituthequick (Talk)

Another year, another Awards Committee commentary. Hi there.
Well, as last year, it was a pretty fun happening to be in the Committee. Having done this once before, I this time knew what to expect.
To quickly cycle to my last year's point, the UserPedia and 'Shroom Awards did have vastly different results, now they are on their own spot. While the votes are indeed more informed, the amount of voters dropped as a brick too. You win some, you lose some.
I'd say the ceremony was great too, even though I couldn't attend it. I did post my presentation, but more I didn't do. Gotta choose for myself, I needed the sleep.
But enough about myself, others now. I sometimes have the idea that some people on the AC could do more than they currently do. I'm not saying the AC is a group of weekly get-together's, but sometimes it just feels like some are just chirping y's and n's at the meetings (of which I admit I'm guilty of too sometimes). To me at least. In other words, the amount of people can do more. Don't get me wrong though, I know real life exists (gasp).
In other news, both of my Mario Kart Tournaments went well, although 7's online is still pretty crap. A new thing was 8's Mario Kart TV functionality, which when used correctly can result in neat recap video's. #shamelessselfadvertising
Next year is going to have at least MK8, including the neat DLC for as far as people own it, 7 I'll overthink but will likely happen too.
Enough rambling for today, we'll see each other around. Chau!

Mario Kart 8 Tournament Thoughts

by SKmarioman (Talk)
Hello, hi, greetings, howdy, g'day or whatever form of salutations you prefer.
Being the winner of the first Mario Kart 8 Awards Tournament hosted by Lakituthequick (Talk) I was asked to give my quick thoughts on the event, so here we go.
A week earlier the Mario Kart 7 tournament took place which Cirdec won while I finished in 3rd (I thought multitasking would be a good idea, give me a break), but unlike the Mario Kart 7 tournament however (aside from the connection being much more stable in general) where each group was given its own community to avoid confusion, Ltq instead would open a friends room at different intervals, as we found that "Let's wait for more players" does absolutely nothing in Tournaments or Global modes, as in the game will eventually automatically start regardless of how many times you insist to the server that you're not ready. Though this slightly altered system didn't stop MnSG from joining in Group A's lobby before round 2. I gotta say it was somewhat amusing seeing everyone else abusing the "Bye!" command for completely the opposite reason that Nintendo would have intended.
Now most of the rounds were pretty standard stuff, you know being the first tournament where everyone was always racing in fear of a ricocheting Green Shell for the first time in an Awards tournament, though the participants in Group B of Round 2 were treated to GalacticPetey's simply sublime singing skills, so that was something.
The final round saw six participants proceed from Round 2, Crackin355, PrincessOfPeaches, me, Yoshi K, Uniju and Turboo.
Hoo boy, the final round.
Now there's such thing as being lucky, and it plays a decent enough role in Mario Kart as it is. But then there's being so painfully lucky that even yourself won't stop giving you crap about it for all the coming months to the point that everyone who played in the final round will probably forever associate Cheep Cheep Beach with that one cheaply timed Super Horn that I managed to grab just seconds before being blasted by a Spiny Shell.
Okay, it was a running theme of sorts where I kept getting ridiculously timed item pickups throughout the final four races of the tournament. Right down the final turn when I cut through the donut overtaking Crackin and I think he still hates Sweet Sweet Canyon for that reason, I don't really like it either anymore as that course managed to show up 4 times throughout the whole tournament, too much Sonic Colors Sweet Mountain stuff going on in here for my tastes (that was terrible). Honestly at this point I don't know how to say any of this without sounding unnecessarily narcissistic. Now if only I had this sort of luck during the regional Pokémon tournament, instead about 500 people got to see me lose because I tried using Solar Beam twice in a row. Or maybe when I decided to buy A Link to the Past literally a week before it went on sale on the eShop, that could have helped there too.
So um... anyway I'm actually not entirely comfortable with saying that it was overall a fun tournament, not because I didn't have fun but because naturally I'd say that after having such stupid luck, but before that luck streak started it really was great fun racing with you all, I already love this game to begin with and given the success of this first Mario Kart 8 tournament I look forward to racing you all next year (or right now if you catch me online) hopefully under much more even conditions, and again huge props to Lakituthequick for hosting this whole thing.
Though I quick suggestion for next year, make it so everyone has to vote for either one of the Rainbow Road tracks on the final race of the final round, again Sweet Mountain Act 1 isn't exactly the greatest setting for a grand finale.
You can all watch the whole tournament right here, or you can see it all from my perspective here, though Ltq actually edited together 140 highlight reels while I uploaded straight from the game and getting a lot of Content ID matches in the process.
And I still haven't found that Easter Egg that he hinted at.
Anyway, this has been SK, signing out!

Mario Golf Tournament Thoughts

by Icemario11 (Talk)
When I signed up for the Mario Golf tournament, I was pretty disappointed to see it take as long as it did to get started after the thread kind of just died for a week or two. The sudden revival after the majority of interest departed caused one of the players to drop out because they had stopped caring at that point.
The first round of the tournament used the Private Tournament feature of the game, and while the premise was decent and worked out fairly well, the announcement was so close to the day that it was done on that it led to another one of the players who signed up not getting to play at all because they were offline that weekend, which was just really sad to see. Plus it had coins on, and that could've easily cost you :dk: a stroke or two because they obscure your vision (especially on the green).
After a tiebreaker for second-place (that I wasn't part of), the finals happened, which was an incredibly enjoyable match that had me on my toes the entire time, but I feel there could've been another round or something in between because the tournament itself just fell... short. It was basically the private tournaments, and then the finals if you were in the top two. Nothing else, unless people tied for the private tournaments (which did happen but that doesn't make the shortness much better).
So overall it was fairly enjoyable (albeit short-lived) but the hosting really needs some work.

Awards Mafia IV Thoughts

by Super-Yoshi (Talk)
Hey its tfp here again, no i'm not doing a review (although look out for the christmas issue cause im probably gonna be back with M&L :>) but instead this time I was asked to commentate on mafia and how we won!
So I'm just gonna give the rundown of what happened, I got my role and I was like shiet man not bad at all, the doc is pretty good. Instantly formed an alliance with people on #mariowiki and we went from there. So pretty much I guess we'd pick off people who we thought were suspicious and strategize from there.
The first big even that probably happened was Turb getting DragonFreak's pm about a nightkill, something that was a heartbreaker for the robots. He tried to make a plan to swap and kill her but it backfired as the mafia targeted her and the kill went to Turb, so rip. He was a bro, so obviously had to kill the perpetrator (we assumed it was DF but it wasn't, still tho).
We lynched the robot godfather, and everything was smooth sailing from there, I guess FE kinda fucked up by defending his gf but yo, you gotta yolo it sometimes.
Now the mafia godfather, Nabber, fucked himself when he tried to lynch my bro Uniju. You don't fuck with the bros. That's why we won the game in the end. I'm just saying, don't bring personal relationships in a mafia game, but the bros are a hidden alliance and if you fuck with one, you're fucking with all of them. We took down the godfather and we recruited Crackin to our "xbox hueg allience", as Turb coined. Vocal Beat was a strong member of our squad as well, we couldn't have won the game without him. All of us kept picking off members one by one, we made an awesome vigkill combo with Crackin + Uniju on NSY, who by chance, was the redirector, so I woulda been fucked if his action got through lol. It was pure luck, (it was actually god, see below for tribute). LN1, S2D, and some others helped me out too. Props to them for their plays.
Freakworld and Stargazing died by Icemario (azunyan <3) and it was all good. LTQ also got killed for fuckin with the bros lol, like shit home boy i keep telling you but you don't listen to me. You gotta listen to me next game cause right now it's 2/2 for you being dead and both of those reasons were for fucken with the bros. So don't fuck with the bros next time and we wont go after you. Toad85 got the message, shout out to my boy T85 for getting the message.
We eventually got rid of them all, so shout out to the all the home boys that helped us win to victory. B45 and Smasher really confused us in the end, with B45 getting converted and Smasher being on irc and not really doing anything lol. The FE claim really fucked it for them, and they probably would've survived a few more nights, maybe even win, if it wasn't for that. The vigkill by NSM was great, well played dude.
The third parties didn't really do much, pirates were inactive and robots kinda fucked it for themselves, as you can see above. Shout out to my boy Stooben though for keepin it real, im gonna give my home boy some tokens cause he got in the game and literally died 5 min later :(.
I just gotta say though I'm really surprised how I lived through that whole game lol, the mafia tried to kill me pretty much from night 1 and they failed every time. I want to thank god for all the pro evades she gave me, and the super shroom that I used on night 10. Thank you god, please keep accelerating. Here's a homage to our god Suguri. #evade4ever

Uniju and Turb are going places man I mean really hey whenever someone edits this long title it will screw up recent changes and it will kill all the formatting for the shroom lol

by Uniju :D (Talk) & Turboo (Talk)

[22:54] turb hi
[22:54] Uniju yo
[22:54] turb anything you'd like to start off with before i begin asking questions
[22:54] Uniju nope!
[22:54] turb okey
[22:55] turb what do you think you've contributed to the community in the time that you've been here
[22:56] Uniju barrels of laughs and a general good time, also i rewrote the chat rules along with hk in like 2009
[22:56] turb cool
[22:56] Uniju yeah man
[22:56] turb i forgot to ask this but apparently it's proper conduct
[22:56] turb how did you find the mariowiki
[22:57] Uniju i went there to find some cool mario facts and then one day i decided to join the chatroom because i was bored
[22:57] Uniju i dont remember how i found it to begi nwith but thats how i joined
[22:57] turb yeah i think thats how most of us start out
[22:57] turb just looking for some cool mario facts
[22:57] turb and our database of cool mario facts has really grown over the years and that's how we've got all our users
[22:57] turb but anyway
[22:58] turb what led to you rewriting the chat rules with hk
[22:58] Uniju well, the younguns may not remember this, but the chatroom was plagued with a load of bullshit back then, which led to the rules being rewritten a handful of times
[22:59] Uniju and eventually the split
[23:05] turb yeah i remember the split
[23:05] turb it was kind of a mess
[23:05] turb i have to say i don't remember hk being around for redoing the rules though
[23:05] turb at least not in 2009
[23:06] Uniju that's understandable, he didn't stick around too long
[23:06] Uniju he came in and fixed shit and left again
[23:06] Uniju like a
[23:06] Uniju like somebody who does that kind of thing
[23:08] turb yeah i feel like there's a word for that but i can't think of it
[23:08] turb can you tell me more about how you came into possession of the current #mariowiki
[23:08] turb (i already know this its for the viewers(
[23:08] turb )
[23:09] Uniju well, that was the split. there had been talk of a split for a while, since a few users who i won't name for their own safety were highly dissatisfied with the way me and my associate bill were running the place
[23:09] Uniju they had gone off and made their own channel in protest and eventually i guess the sysops got fed up with the drama
[23:09] Uniju so me and bill got #mariowiki, and they went off to the new hotness #mwchat
[23:10] Uniju or, actually
[23:10] Uniju #mwikitalk? there was another one before #mwchat that was for ~serious~ discussion, while #mwchat was for goofing off
[23:10] Uniju which eventually died, or got repurposed or something, and you don't hear about that place anymore
[23:10] Uniju nowawadays it's all #mwchat
[23:11] turb yeah i recall #mwikitalk
[23:11] turb i think it was used for on-topic wiki discussion and the like and obviously no one needed a channel specifically for that
[23:11] turb before the split i remember a bunch of people made channels where swearing was allowed or whatever
[23:11] Uniju yeah
[23:12] turb fortunately there hasn't been a lot of drama since the split
[23:12] Uniju i can't say i remember much about the particular rules that people were upset about, i would have guessed swearing would have been allowed in #mariowiki well before the split but
[23:12] turb i dunno
[23:12] Uniju yeah, i guess the new op team is probably doing a better job than i did in that regard. :-P
[23:12] turb i remember everyone got angry if you said an uncensored swear word
[23:12] turb for a while
[23:13] turb i can't think of any other rules that would cause such an uproar
[23:13] turb maybe it was just general op abuse in the old mariowiki
[23:13] turb i won't name names but there were a few that weren't doing their job very well
[23:13] turb not you lol
[23:13] turb i can't talk about my interviewee that way
[23:14] Uniju well yeah, people used to flip out about swearing
[23:14] Uniju particularly back in 2007
[23:14] Uniju i remember one time thoough
[23:15] Uniju i don't remember if it was just some random hit-and-run troll or if it was maka or somebody, but somebody posted a highly inappropriate flash animation
[23:15] turb go on
[23:15] Uniju and wayoshi, who was in charge of shit back then, managed to get away with saying "fuck" simply because he felt it was the most accurate description of the content
[23:15] Uniju i thought that was funny at the time, DP thought it was an outrage
[23:15] Uniju looking back i guess it's probably neither
[23:16] turb was that back when the chatroom was a forum page
[23:16] turb i seem to remember it being hosted on there
[23:16] turb but i wasn't a user at the time
[23:16] Uniju i'm sure it would still have been a forum page at the time, but by the time i joined it was also on the wiki
[23:17] Uniju i didn't join the forum until well after i joined the chatroom
[23:17] Uniju but i do know i found the chat page on the forum later, after i did join
[23:19] turb oh i see
[23:19] turb i can't think of any other good questions
[23:20] Uniju i would suggest some but that would be cheating
[23:20] turb i guess you can
[23:20] turb i can just cut them out later
[23:20] Uniju i cant suggest questions for you to ask me
[23:21] turb im dead
[23:21] Uniju that would just be me picking things to say about myself and then saying them
[23:21] turb yeah but this is awkward
[23:21] Uniju put your back into it
[23:21] Uniju just ask me about games or anime or something
[23:22] turb uh well
[23:22] turb i dont think thats usually what they ask about
[23:22] Uniju i wouldnt know i never read the shroom
[23:22] turb do i have to publish this
[23:23] Uniju yeah unless you want to go interview somebody else
[23:24] Uniju you should publish it raw and say "this is what happens when perch doesn't do his god damn work"
[23:27] turb i think i might
[23:30] Uniju i was sure i got interviewed once before but i can't find it
[23:30] Uniju "However, if you go to my contribuitions my first edit was in 1 January 2002, editing Uniju's talk page wishing him Happy Birthday." - shroobario in his interview
[23:30] Uniju that wasn't my birthday
[23:31] turb january 2002
[23:32] Uniju this might have been it
[23:32] turb i think he interviewed me too
[23:32] turb okay im gonna start publishing
[23:33] Uniju good luck
this is what happens when perch doesn't do his god damn work

'Shroom Awards V

by Turboo (Talk)
Like previous years, The 'Shroom Core Staff wishes to honor those that have won The 'Shroom Awards by making templates for them. If you have won an award, you can put the template on your userpage!
Congratulations to everybody that won!

'Shroom Award 1: Favorite Director

Super Mario Wiki: Anniversary Award Recipient
Winner-icon.png Super Mario Bros. (Talk) has won a 'Shroom Award in the Super Mario Wiki Awards Ceremony!
  • Ceremony: 'Shroom Awards V
  • Year: 2014
  • Award: S1: Favorite Director
  • Presenter: Gabumon (talk)

'Shroom Award 2: Favorite Team

Super Mario Wiki: Anniversary Award Recipient
Winner-icon.png Fake News has won a 'Shroom Award in the Super Mario Wiki Awards Ceremony!
  • Ceremony: 'Shroom Awards V
  • Year: 2014
  • Award: S2: Favorite Team
  • Presenter: Hypnotoad (talk)

'Shroom Award 3: Favorite Sub-Director/Leading Staff

Super Mario Wiki: Anniversary Award Recipient
Winner-icon.png Gabumon (Talk) has won a 'Shroom Award in the Super Mario Wiki Awards Ceremony!

'Shroom Award 4: Favorite Sub-Team Director

Super Mario Wiki: Anniversary Award Recipient
Winner-icon.png Crocodile Dippy (Talk) has won a 'Shroom Award in the Super Mario Wiki Awards Ceremony!
  • Ceremony: 'Shroom Awards V
  • Year: 2014
  • Award: S4: Favorite Sub-Team Director
  • Presenter: Superchao (talk)

'Shroom Award 5: Favorite Veteran Writer

Super Mario Wiki: Anniversary Award Recipient
Winner-icon.png MrConcreteDonkey (Talk) has won a 'Shroom Award in the Super Mario Wiki Awards Ceremony!
  • Ceremony: 'Shroom Awards V
  • Year: 2014
  • Award: S5: Favorite Veteran Writer
  • Presenter: Pyro (talk)

'Shroom Award 6: Favorite New Writer

Super Mario Wiki: Anniversary Award Recipient
Winner-icon.png Yoshi876 (Talk) has won a 'Shroom Award in the Super Mario Wiki Awards Ceremony!
  • Ceremony: 'Shroom Awards V
  • Year: 2014
  • Award: S6: Favorite New Writer
  • Presenter: Yoshi876 (talk)

'Shroom Award 7: Favorite Guest Writer

Super Mario Wiki: Anniversary Award Recipient
Winner-icon.png Super-Yoshi (Talk) has won a 'Shroom Award in the Super Mario Wiki Awards Ceremony!

'Shroom Award 8: Favorite Issue of the Past Year

Super Mario Wiki: Anniversary Award Recipient
Winner-icon.png October 2013 has won a 'Shroom Award in the Super Mario Wiki Awards Ceremony!
  • Ceremony: 'Shroom Awards V
  • Year: 2014
  • Award: S8: Favorite Issue of the Past Year
  • Presenter: Superchao (talk)

'Shroom Award 9: Favorite Event

Super Mario Wiki: Anniversary Award Recipient
Winner-icon.png Holiday Issue LXXXI has won a 'Shroom Award in the Super Mario Wiki Awards Ceremony!
  • Ceremony: 'Shroom Awards V
  • Year: 2014
  • Award: S9: Favorite Event
  • Presenter: Paper Jorge (talk)

'Shroom Award 10: 'Shroom Lifetime Achievement

Super Mario Wiki: Anniversary Award Recipient
Winner-icon.png Super Mario Bros. (Talk) has won a 'Shroom Award in the Super Mario Wiki Awards Ceremony!
  • Ceremony: 'Shroom Awards V
  • Year: 2014
  • Award: S10': Shroom Lifetime Achievement
  • Presenter: Paper Jorge (talk)

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